It is one of the most typical types of errors we encounter while surfing the web. Users are unable to navigate or re-direct to a specific website or page due to this issue. This error prevents visitors from accessing other websites on the internet.

This is a common blunder that almost everyone makes. In this case, one of the most effective problem remedies, such as restarting the computer, appears to be ineffective. Don’t worry, I’ll provide you with a solution to your problem.


We must investigate the fundamental source of the problem in order to resolve it. Depending on the level of the mistake, finding the reason of the error makes it easier to solve.

The majority of errors arise for the reasons indicated below. You must look for these and select the best solution for the error.


You’ll need to use some of the strategies listed below to address the problem. They’re all the greatest and most effective ways to remedy the problem. So, let’s put them to the test.

 1. Correct LAN (Local Area Network) Settings

Changing the Local Area Network settings and the PC settings are two options for resolving this issue. To accomplish this, you must follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: In Windows 10, hit win+x on the keyboard to open the control panel.

Step 2: From the drop-down menu, choose Control Panel.

Step 3: In a previous version of Windows, simply enter the start menu to access it.

Step 4: Select Internet choices from the control panel.

Step 5: Select the connections tab in the top panel of the internet options menu and push the LAN (Local Area Network) settings.

Step 6: In the LAN settings, uncheck all of the options and click OK OK.

This solution works when the problem is caused by a LAN configuration error (Local Area Network). In the vast majority of cases, this procedure will resolve the problem. However, if the problem remains, you can move on to the following approach to resolve the issue.

2. Clear Browsing Data 

To fix the problem, we’ll need to clear the browser data on the device. The rationale for this step is that caches and cookies can occasionally cause the device to malfunction. This could lead to an error. In order to resolve the problem, we must use a new browser and clear the data.

Firefox – Clearing Browser Data

In order to clear your device’s browser data. To do so, simply press ctrl+shift+del on three tabs. That’s all there is to it. You must select the clear now option from the default menu after pressing ctrl+shift+del.

Check whether your device is operating by restarting it.

Clearing Google Chrome’s Browser Data –

To delete Google Chrome’s browsing history or data. To clear browsing data, open Google Chrome, then go to settings and select clear browsing data.


To remedy the issue, go to Google Chrome and type chrome:/history in the address bar, then click clear browsing data and check the fields below.

History of your browser
Images and files cached
Cookies and data from other sites and plugins are downloaded.

To see if the issue has been resolved, restart your device or browser. If the problem is still visible on your screen, To solve the problem, you’ll need to use some other approaches.

 3. Uninstalling and Reinstalling Anti-virus Software

If the problem is caused by an anti-virus, this procedure is recommended for resolving the issue. The anti-virus software on your device may restrict access to websites that are potentially detrimental to your device’s operation. To resolve this problem, use the following procedure:

Step 1: Remove the anti-virus software from your computer. To do so, go to the control panel and then to programmes and features, where you can uninstall the programme.

Step 2: After this, go to the internet.

Step 3: If you can access the internet, the Anti-virus is the source of the problem.

Step 4: Continue to utilise the same settings and reinstall the programme to allow access to the internet.

Step 5: For the same purpose, you may also use an AVG, which is a replacement for Avast.

This strategy is appropriate when an issue emerges as a result of an anti-virus or firewall preventing the web browser from proceeding. In such circumstances, try to resolve the problem using the steps outlined above.

4. Delete WLAN Profiles 

If the issue occurs with Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN), follow the procedures below to resolve it.

Step 1: Open Windows and select X to open the command prompt, then select Run as Administrator. You may also go to search and type cmd in the task bar, then select Run as Administrator from the results.

Step 2: Type netsh wlan show profiles into a command prompt.

Step 3: Run the command below to disconnect the device’s wifi connections.

wlan remove profile name =” [profile name]” netsh wlan

Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 for all linked wifi networks.

Step 5: After that, try reconnecting to your wifi network.

Follow the instructions above to try to resolve the problem, and then restart your browser to ensure that the issue has been repaired.


These are some of the methods for resolving the error issue. First, we must determine the fundamental reason of the error’s presence. Then, based on the problem definition, we can choose a way to address it.


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