How To Fix System Service Exception Error In Windows 10


This mistake is one of the many Blue Screen of Death issues that customers see on a regular basis. Despite how uncommon it is, Windows users are nonetheless exposed to it on a regular basis.

It should be mentioned that these mistakes are extremely dangerous and might cause the system to crash, resulting in data loss and file corruption.

This post will show you how to fix this error on your Windows 10 operating system. The remedies provided here are both simple and effective in resolving this problem in a short amount of time.

System Service Exception
System Service Exception

What Does The Term “System Service Exception” Mean?

Users of Windows 10 have reported receiving a BSOD accompanied with a warning stating that a system service exception problem has occurred, which is commonly shown as SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION. This BSOD error code might have a variety of causes.

Exception error system service exception error occurs frequently when a driver is corrupted or when software is upgraded or installed. The user can usually see the name of the file that is causing the problem.

What is The Root of The System Service Exception Error?

The system service exception problem can be caused by a variety of factors, including outdated drivers, running Windows protected code, Windows itself, and a rogue software attempting to access. Other explanations include:

  • Windows drivers that are out of date, damaged, or incompatible.
  • Malicious software, sometimes known as malware or viruses.
  • Windows upgrades that aren’t working
    Windows files should be updated.

According to Microsoft’s technical explanation, this BSOD is frequently generated when a running process on your system tries to switch from non-privileged to privileged code. The following are some examples of system service exception errors:

SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION Windows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft’s operating

This problem is most common in Windows 10, but it can also be found in Windows 7.

SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION 00000000 c0000005 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

This error occurs in conjunction with the system service exception problem.


The system service exception error is accompanied by yet another error code.

Fix the System Service Exception issue.

If you want to get rid of the system service exception error in your Windows 10 OS, try the following alternatives.

Method 1: Turn Off Your Webcam

External devices, such as cameras, can cause the system service exception issue on your system in some situations. Users can test this by disabling the webcam and then verifying whether or not the error has been fixed.

Step 1: To begin, hit the Windows key + X key combination. Then, from the pop-up menu, choose Device Manager.

Step 2: Next, locate your webcam.

Step 3: Then, from the menu that appears, right-click on your webcam and select disable. Finally, restart your computer to verify if the problem has been repaired.

Method 2: Uninstall Problems

Certain apps, particularly in Windows 10, are known to cause the system service exception issue. The ways of uninstalling such apps are outlined below:

Step 1: To open the Settings application, hit the Windows key + I key combination on the keyboard. Then pick the Apps tile to see a list of all the apps that are currently installed.

Step 2: Next, locate and uninstall any or all of the software listed below:

McAfee Antivirus Virtual CloneDrive Xsplit Cisco VPN
Asus GameFirst Service by BitDefender

Step 3: Finally, reboot your computer to see if the BSOD error has gone away.

Method 3: Perform an SFC Scan

The system file checker is a Windows utility application that is included by default in Windows 10. SFC scan is another term for the system file checker.

It is the quickest way to automatically locate, repair, or even fix corrupted files on your system, as well as other issues such as system service exception error. How to perform an SFC scan –

Step 1: To begin, hit the Windows key + R key combination. This will launch the Run application.

Step 2: On the keyboard, type cmd and then press control + shift + enter. This will bring up a command prompt with administrative privileges.

Step 3: If prompted, click Yes to allow your Command prompt to make modifications to your system.

Step 4: In the command prompt, type the following command and press enter to run it:

sfc /scannow sfc /scannow sfc /s

Step 5: Wait for the sfc scan to finish scanning your system and repairing any corrupt files. This is a lengthy procedure; do not turn off your computer or close the command prompt throughout it.

Step 6:  Finally, after the scan is completed, reboot your computer.

Method 4: Use the CHKDSK Utility 

CHKDSK, commonly known as Check Disk, is another command that can be useful in repairing your system. Check Disk will attempt to locate and resolve any disc errors, thereby assisting you in resolving the system service exception error.

Step 1: To begin, hit the Windows key + R key combination on the keyboard. This will start your Run application.

Step 2: On the keyboard, type cmd and then press control + shift + enter. This will bring up a command prompt with administrative privileges.

Step 3: If prompted, select Yes to authorise your Command prompt to make system modifications.

Step 4: In the command prompt, type the following command and press enter to run it:

C: chkdsk /f /r /x

Step 5: Run the command above to examine your C drive. If your Windows 10 was installed on a different disc, make sure to change the “C:” in this command to the drive where it was installed.

Step 6: Wait for the Check Disk command to complete its task. It will attempt to fix any problems with your drive as well as restore any readable data.

Method 5: Turn Off Google Update Service 

The Google Automatic Update mechanism has been the root cause of the BSOD error in several circumstances. Users might try disabling the service to see if the error has gone away or not. To do the same, follow these steps:

Step 1: To begin, hit the Windows key + R key combination on the keyboard. This will start the Run programme on your computer.

Step 2: Type services is the next step. To start services, type msc and then click OK. It may take a few moments for this to fully load.

Step 3: Next, scroll down until you see the Google Update Service option. Then, with your mouse, right-click on this choice. Then, from the context menu, choose Properties.

Step 4: Finally, pick Disabled from the Startup type drop-down option and reboot your machine. As a result, the service will be unable to run on your computer and will cause problems.

Method 6: Antivirus

Antivirus software is notorious for wreaking havoc on computers. This occurs as a result of Windows 10 features interfering with each other.

You can take a few easy actions to see whether your antivirus software is generating any problems that are causing the system service exception error. After that, you can turn off your antivirus for a while.

As a caution, we would like to point out that this approach is completely optional and not suggested, as using a computer without antivirus protection is quite dangerous.

Proceed with the following actions only if you are fully aware of all potential risks and how to mitigate them. Additionally, make sure you have a backup of all vital data stored on your computer. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: To begin, right-click on an empty spot in your taskbar to open Task Manager. If your task manager was launched in compact mode, make sure to click the Mode details button to expand details.

Step 2: Now, use the header menu at the top of your screen to navigate to the startup tab. Next, look for your anti-virus software in the list and choose it with a single click.

Step 3: Then, towards the bottom right corner of your screen, select the Disable option. This will prevent the app from being opened the next time you switch on your smartphone.

Step 4: Finally, reboot your system and use your computer to see if the problem still exists. The bottom line is that your antivirus was to blame if you no longer notice the error.

Method 7: Update Graphics Card

As previously stated, outdated drivers can result in a BSOD and a system service exception issue in your system. The procedures to update your display drivers to see whether they fix the error are listed below –

Step 1: Press and hold the Windows key on the keyboard, then press and hold the R key. This will start the run utility on your computer.

Step 2: To open the Device Manager app on your computer, type devmgmt.msc and then hit OK. Expand the Display Adapters category after that.

Step 3: Next, right-click the graphics card and select Update Driver from the context menu. After you’ve completed this action, restart your computer to see if the error persists.

Method 8: Install Windows 10

If you’ve tried all of the above remedies and still have the error, the last option is to update your Windows 10 to the most recent version.

This will not only address bugs and add new functionality, but it will also close all security gaps and provide a slew of other advantages. The following are the steps to update your Windows 10:

Step 1: To begin, open your Start menu and then select Settings. You can also get speedier access by pressing the Windows key + I key combination.

Step 2: After that, click on the Update and Security tile. Make sure you’re on the standard Windows Update tab. Then select the option to Check for Updates.

Step 3: If an update is available, click the Install option and wait for Windows to download and install the most recent update.


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